10 Craziest Fan Theories About Futurama

8. Futurama Is In Monsanto's Pocket

In "Leela and the Genestalk" (Season 7, Episode 22), the Planet Express crew's resident mutant begins to grow tentacles. Her quest for a cure leads her to morally-bankrupt industrialist Mom, who's been genetically engineering beanstalks to feed the hungry. Leela is outraged by the level of God-playing she sees, but when Mom can engineer a bean to cure her, Leela abandons her principles and embraces salvation. Crazypants conspiracy site The Daily Sheeple believes that Leela's acceptance of a thinly-veiled Monsanto analog is proof that Monsanto is bankrolling Futurama. The controversial bio-engineering and agriculture company, who've attracted attention for their work in genetically engineering foods and chemicals, are allegedly using the show to indoctrinate children that their practices are natural and healthy. Furthermore, they cite other times the show has mentioned Monsanto as proof that Futurama is trying to cement the company's name in its viewers' heads. Plausibility: None. Futurama frequently makes plot points of its characters abandoning their goals or principles, purely for humor. Speaking of humor, the show's other Monsanto references were actually jokes at the company's expense. And seriously, does anybody really think Futurama is on Monsanto's payroll?!
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Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013