10 Craziest Friends Characters

4. Janice

Janice Litman Goralnik (nee Hosenstein) is a lady who requires no introduction. In the middle of her first relationship with Chandler before the series started, her first appearance in €˜The One With The East German Laundry Detergent€™ sees her on the unfortunate end of some of his many break up attempts. Seemingly unable to get her out of his life, their on-off relationship consumes much of Chandler€™s love life in the early seasons. Once Chandler finally finds someone else in Monica, Janice still manages to make her appearances, usually at the worst possible moments, and quickly becomes the bane of his life. In her history as one of 'Friends'' most loved and hated characters, she has had a number of memorable moments. In 'The One With All The Rugby', Chandler is once again trying to devise a way to get rid of her, eventually settling on his fictitious relocation to Yemen. When Janice tells him she wants to see his plane take off, his once fictitious trip to Yemen soon turns into a very real trip to Yemen. Craziest Moment In one of her perfectly timed cameos, Janice is moved into the same room as Rachel when they are both in labour. As bad as that may be for an already uncomfortable and impatient Rachel, Janice's overly loud and annoying contractions begin very quickly to push them over the edge.

Steven Bardgett hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.