10 Crazy Breaking Bad Fan Theories That Completely Change The Show

5. The Book Was From Gretchen

The Theory: The beginning of Walter White's downfall was the discovery of his copy of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass by Hank. The mid-season finale for the final run concludes with his brother-in-law finally putting together that Walt is Heisenberg. He comes to this realisation when he sees Gail's inscription from the book to Walt and links them together. As one theory suggests, the book is not actually from Gail, but it is from Gretchen. Gretchen's maiden name is not mentioned on the show, but it is possible that her initials could have been G.B. This would mean that Gretchen was the source of his downfall and Hank put everything together by coincidence. Was It Possible: No. It was made perfectly clear during his tenure on the show that Gail was a big fan of Walt Whitman (and Walter White). Not only does his personality suggest that he would have inscribed the book, but the handwriting in the inscription looks very similar to his handwriting on other paperwork. The reason this theory came up is because Walt is never given the book on screen. The flashbacks that included Walt and Gretchen made no reference to Whitman, and in a show steeped in symbolism, it is most likely that the book came from a Whitman fan. Besides, who keeps a gift from an old girlfriend in his bathroom years after they break up?

Daniel is a husband of one and a father of 4 and an Office Manager in the desert of Apple Valley, California. He has a Bachelor Degree in Organizational Leadership from Azusa Pacific University. He is a big fan of all things superhero. Please follow him on Twitter @TV_Nerd_Dude.