10 Crazy Star Trek Fan Theories

5. Star Trek V Takes Place Within The Nexus

Picard Wesley

The Nexus, as explored in Star Trek: Generations, is a mysterious interstellar phenomenon where people can live out a dream-like existence free of the usual constraints that come with both time and space. You can explore entire lifetimes in the blink of an eye, or spend eternity in a singular moment. It's a literal nirvana so coveted, that Ellen DeGenerous was happy to kill 230 million people to get into it.

Coincidentally, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, sees Kirk going on fun camping trips with Spock and McCoy, defeating a bunch of Klingons like they're no big deal, journeying to the very centre of the universe, and outmanoeuvring "God" himself in a game of wits. Or, in other words, pretty much just the ethereal fever dream of a classic narcissist feeling like his best days are behind him.

The fan theory, such as it is, is that The Final Frontier actually takes place after the opening events of Generations, and not between The Voyage Home and The Undiscovered Country. Everything that happens is just Kirk living out his #bestlife while in the Nexus.

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