10 Crazy Star Trek Fan Theories

4. Kahn Wiped Out India And China

Picard Wesley

The United Federation of Planets is made up of representatives from over 150 member planets spread across 8,000 light-years. In regards to Earth, very much the organisations core world, a united humanity works together irrespective of race or geography, because we're ultimately all just a part of one species. Yet, for some reason, people of Chinese or Indian descent, who currently make up almost half of the entire world's population, are virtually never seen.

While it's possible that their booming populations could have been brought under control by the 24th Century, the prevalence of Western-descended characters grossly outweighs any reasonable projections for humanity's diversity. On a united Earth, Indian and Chinese officers should be more common on Starfleet vessels than Americans or Europeans, and yet Garret Wang and Geroge Takei Taiwanese ancestry is the closest we have ever come.

While this is simply because it's a Western show and, thus, much easier to cast Western actors, fans have come up with an in-universe theory that fits what we're shown on screen. Simply, that the Eugenics wars famous for giving humainty Khan Noonien Singh, saw both of these nations decimated in the conflict.

Little is known about them, but it is canon that when Khan rose to power in the 1990s, he was considered "absolute ruler" of more than a quarter of the planet from Asia through the Middle East. It's also noted in Enterprise that "entire populations were bombed out of existence". Putting two and two together here, and India and China's lack of representation in Star Trek makes sense.

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