10 Crazy Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Theories

1. Lore Is Lagging

Rene Picard 2 Fire Ed Speleers Star Trek Season 3 Theory

You might have noticed one thing in all the trailers and teasers for Picard season three. How do I put this as delicately as possible? Lore looks a bit… worse for wear? Other than the obvious natural rigours of time in the real-world, if he's a Soong-type Android then why would he have aged at all? They did their best with the de-aging look for Data in season one, but still got a bit lost in The Uncanny Valley.

Perhaps Lore really is growing old like the rest of us? We wonder if he went to see Altan Inigo (AI) 'Hippie' Soong for some ageing treatment, or what he calls his 'reverse-Hollywood process'. Lore may even have transferred his consciousness into one of those golem-type androids as did Picard and so would be, in essence, human. By the way, and thanks to TrekCulture writer Clive Burrell for this suggestion, what did they do with Picard's body after they transferred his consciousness? Do you have a funeral for the living dead?

More to the point, Lore was supposedly permanently deactivated (by Data) and disassembled at the end of The Next Generation episode Descent Part II. Did the nefarious Vadic put him back together as part of her revenge plot against Picard and the Federation?

I'm not Often Wrong, but I guess we'll find out Soong.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.