10 Crazy Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Theories

2. Ed Speleers = Clone (The Nemesis Knock-Off)

Rene Picard 2 Fire Ed Speleers Star Trek Season 3 Theory
Paramount Pictures

Okay, we promise this is the last bit of spiel about Speleers – one final theory about who this man really is that the TrekCulture staffers came up with after the replicators started refusing to serve us any more coffee. "Make it yourself!"

If you've not seen our already amazing Star Trek: Nemesis Theory You've Never Heard Of video then pause and go watch that now. No one will tell Speleers that you made us wait. Done? Good.

As we theorised, Shinzon, who was revealed to be a clone of Captain Picard in the film Star Trek: Nemesis, MUST HAVE been created in or around 2354. At that time of his career, Picard was still just captaining a lowly vessel in the backend of the galaxy (sorry Stargazer fans out there), so why did the Romulans pick him for their Starfleet infiltration masterplan? The answer: they found out all about Picard's future importance from the alternate Tasha Yar who was sent back in time in Yesterday's Enterprise.

We at TrekCulture now want to add another layer of madness to all that crazy timey-wimey, cloney cloney stuff. What if Shinzon wasn't the only copy of Picard the Romulans created? What if, hold on to your consoles, Ed Speleers is set to play another Picard clone, a Shinzon mark II, if you will? I mean, he's got the accent, he may as well. There may be multiple superior Speleers or other failed Picard clone attempts coming our way, and we're here for it.

Of course, this is all completely bonkers and about as likely as Janeway and Paris having lizard babies.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.