10 Crazy Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Theories

7. Ed Speleers = Sela's Son (The Enterprise Was Soooo Yesterday)

Rene Picard 2 Fire Ed Speleers Star Trek Season 3 Theory
CBS Media Ventures

The more Star Trek: Picard showrunner Terry Matalas insists that Sela is absolutely definitely most certainly NOT in season three as the 'big bad,' the less we believe him. Someone once said something about protesting too much, methinks. *Cough* John Harrison *cough*. We all want to see more of this fan-favourite, and woefully underused, Next Generation villain, first heard, but not seen, brainwashing poor old Geordi in the season four episode The Mind's Eye. We'd just be happy for more Denise Crosby full stop.

Seeing Speleers (never going to get tired of that name) in the final trailer got us thinking about a more serious potential plot development for season three than that of the arsonist avenger. Don't spit out your Romulan ale, but what if the new handsome Brit on the block is actually Sela's son? Perhaps he stood to inherit a significant amount of power in the Romulan Empire from his mother before that pesky star went supernova and lost it all?

Now, he blames Picard for not saving Romulus (and Remus whilst were at it) from destruction and robbing him of his birthright. He's pissed off and wants revenge on his grandmother's alternate timeline former captain. And that's why he's holding Riker hostage at the end of a phaser in the trailer, to get to Picard. I can't resist: Fire at w/Will!

We know he doesn't seem to have 'the ears,' but he might only be a quarter Romulan as our fine editor Kris Thomson quite rightly pointed out.

"There's a darkness, an all-consuming darkness," come Troi's ominous words before the camera settles on Speleers' face.

He's gotta be a wrong'un!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.