10 Crazy Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Theories

6. Vadic's Swarmer Supporters

Rene Picard 2 Fire Ed Speleers Star Trek Season 3 Theory

You can dream as much as you like, we've already been told that there is no way we'll be seeing any blonde bowl cuts on season three of Star Trek: Picard. Vadic – played by the incomparable Amanda Plummer, daughter of Star Trek legend Christopher Plummer – is presented in the trailers as the 'big bad'. But is she the puppet master?

She does have some minions, however. If you pause the final trailer around 1:12, you get a good view of a mysterious hooded figure. Vadic can then be seen ordering a whole bunch of these aliens (?) around.

Some of you crazy cats on the interwebs have pointed out that these beings look a bit like those freaky, power-sucking aliens from the Star Trek: Voyager episode The Swarm.

Perhaps Vadic took a little detour via the Delta Quadrant (we know from Prodigy, for example, that you can do that a LOT quicker than back in Voyager's day) to recruit the Swarm aliens for her attack on Starfleet and the Federation. They might have upgraded their interferometric pulses since Captain Janeway beat them, and in that they would be a formidable foe. We never actually see any of the Swarm ships in the trailers. This would probably be giving the game away if they really are who we think they are.

Oh, and if it is them, keep The Doctor at least a sector away! He went through enough in that Voyager episode.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.