2. How I Met Your Mother
From its very first episode in 2005, How I Met Your Mother has often been compared to Friends and as the years have gone on, certain tropes have become established. Barney will continue to say legendary, Ted with continue to have terrible relationships and the whole thing will slowly drift even further into the territory of its illustrious forebear. However, this certainly isn't a bad thing How I Met Your Mother has now been on our screens for 8 years and it's still going strong. Since 2005, the show has rarely failed to make its viewers laugh but has also tackled more serious storylines in a successful way without mocking them as some comedy shows do. For example, we've seen plenty of heartache, and truly momentous events such as the death of Marshall's father and Lily and Marshall's break up at the end of season 1 dealt with maturely, and these storylines gave viewers a break from the usual comedy and showed the extent of the cast's talent. Aside from more serious plots, the show also offers a whole host of comedy moments and its main cast are some of the most talented comedy actors of the moment. For anyone who has seen more than a couple of episodes of the show, it's fair to say that we're going to be devastated when it finally comes to an end next year. And for anyone who hasn't yet seen the show, catch up! It's been eight years, and it'll be gone soon!