10 Current TV Dramas That Show This Is A Golden Era

We've all been there. You head to Netflix to find that there's only two more episodes of that show you've been poring over for months. The denial sets in, then anger, but finally you realise the only way you can get through this is to accept it and move on...to another show. We all know what a good old TV binge feels like and these days dramas are the top dogs of the television world. Whether it's a post-apocalyptic zombie-filled world or another with a high-functioning sociopath, TV has it all and in current years dramas have only become bigger and better. But why do we all go gaga for drama? Current dramas are all about the right mixture of gritty mystery, well-written characters and at times cheesy bits of comedy, but there's something about them that keeps us coming back for more. Why are we rooting for the serial killer to win? Why do we care if Emily Thorne gets her revenge? We're not really sure but what we do know is that every episode keeps us returning back to the edge of our seats to find out. With Breaking Bad and Dexter leaving us brokenhearted at the end of last year we really needed some new excellent dramas to console ourselves so, here are ten current dramas that show just how good television is right now...
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Currently studying German with Dutch, big passion for music, movies and coffee.