10 Damaging Life-Lessons The Simpsons Taught Us

7. Breaking And Entering Is Okay If You Mean Well

We touched earlier on Homers childlike state of mind. He is extremely dim-witted, and easily excited, but he is also dangerously impulsive. Of course this leads to many of his adventures that have entertained us for twenty five years, but the reality is that his is really no way to live, if one expects to live long. In €œLost Our Lisa€ Homer foolishly allows Lisa to travel on the bus alone (to be fair Lisa tricked him into giving her permission, though that too is another reason why a man as useless as Homer should not be a parent). After Lisa gets lost and stranded in unknown territory Homer sets out to find her €“ and somehow does. After stealing a cherry picker, driving it into the ocean, and having a drawbridge close over his head (who hasn€™t?) father and daughter are reunited and Homer teaches Lisa that stupid risks are what makes life worth living - telling her that his heart is constantly going a mile a minute and that his left arm is always tingling. He then illustrates the perks of living life on the edge, by helping her break into the museum after hours. So yeah... breaking and entering is a fun way for parents and children to bond.
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The Simpsons
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As a wrestling fan I've flown across the Atlantic for the last five years specifically to attend WrestleMania (28 and 30) as well as TNA, ROH, Evolve, Chikara and most recently PWG. I may have a problem! But if you're reading my work then you probably love wrestling too, so lets focus on that!