10 Darkest Animated Spider-Man Moments

3. Eddie Brock Becomes Venom - Spectacular Spider-Man

Spider Man The Animated Series
Marvel Entertainment

The tragic culmination of Eddie Brock's downward spiral, the moment where he becomes venom is considered by many to be the standout moment in the show's short run.

Upon returning to Dr. Connor's lab, Eddie finds Spidey returning the symbiote to the observation chamber it was originally kept in.

And then he destroys it.

Eddie and Connor's plans for the lab's improvement effectively dashed, Eddie screams at Spider-Man as he leaves, only to discover that a bit of the symbiote survived. It then latches onto Eddie and shares a little secret: Peter Parker is Spider-Man.

Realizing that he doesn't have two enemies, he just has one, Eddie accepts the symbiote into himself and transforms into Venom, declaring all out war on Peter Parker, swearing to get revenge for Peter constantly messing with his life.

It's a haunting scene that demonstrates the show's main theme: Peter's civilian life being screwed over at every turn by his superhero life. Eddie used to be his best friend in the world, now he's his worst enemy.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?