10 Darkest Animated Spider-Man Moments
2. Peter Parker QUITS Being Spider-Man - Spider-Man: The New Animated Series
You may have noticed that there are exactly two Spider-Man shows on this list, and that's because by and large they're the only two good ones. But man did the otherwise mediocre New Animated Series that aired on MTV in the early 2000s know how to go out.
Choosing to go out on a hail Mary attempt to tease a second season that would never come, New Animated had its first season end on the darkest possible note, with Peter becoming completely disillusioned with being Spider-Man and hanging up the suit once and for all. Not to mention Mary Jane and the rest of the city being more than happy to see Spidey go after he seemingly threw show-original character Indy off the side of a building.
It's a somber as hell ending, with Peter marking the end of the show by throwing a suitcase containing the Spider-Man suit off the end of a pier, where it sank to the bottom of the ocean.
And that's how that show left it for good. Nice going guys.