10 Darkest Endings In Doctor Who

8. Cold Blood (2010)

Doctor Who The Waters of Mars

In a turn of events that will no doubt sound oddly familiar to the Doctor, a mining town in Wales accidentally uncovers a Silurian colony beneath the surface - and they’re waking up.

Once again, the Doctor tries to broker peace between the humans and the Silurians, but it’s met by resistance and treachery from both sides, igniting a brutal war for the planet Earth between them. However, the real tragedy of this episode comes from poor Rory’s fate. He is not only killed by a rogue Silurian but is completely erased from time by the cracks that caused the Eleventh Doctor so much anguish over his first series.

Despite the Doctor’s best efforts, Amy forgets her fiancé completely, and heads off for more adventures in the TARDIS totally oblivious to how much her husband loved her. Like many horrible fates for main characters during Steven Moffat’s tenure as showrunner, it’s not long before it’s reversed. But it still stands as one of the worst things to ever happen to a companion of the Doctor’s.

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Owen Davies hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.