10 Darkest Endings In The DC Animated Universe

3. Clayface Murders A Part Of Himself - The New Batman Adventures

The New Batman Adventures Growing Pains
Warner Bros.

Feat of Clay tends to be the go-to "oH MY GOD BTAS WAS REALLY DARK WASN'T IT" episode for most fans, but you know what's worse? Growing Pains.

This episode came about during The New Batman Adventures, and basically tells a story wherein Robin (Tim Drake), tries to rescue a young girl who's on the run from someone. She's clearly terrified, and the Boy Wonder does his best to look after her, even going so far as to give her a name - Annie - all the while realising that he's developing a huge crush.

During this time, he and Batman try to fight Annie's pursuer - supposedly her father - but they lose them both. Robin persists with the search while Batman studies some samples, discovering that the man in question is none other than Clayface.

This is where things get truly disturbing. You see, Annie isn't actually Annie, but a part of Clayface created after he encountered some chemicals in the sewer. She went missing, and he's been trying to reabsorb her this entire time, which is obviously something Robin isn't too pleased with.

Cue Annie hurling herself at Clayface to save Robin, where she gets reabsorbed and essentially dies.

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.