10 Darkest Star Trek: Enterprise Moments

9. An Alternate First Contact

Xindi attack Florida Enterprise Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

At the beginning of the mirror universe episode, In A Mirror, Darkly, we witnessed a moment that very well could've been the event that split the two timelines: a darker version of Earth's first official encounter with the Vulcans from Star Trek: First Contact.

First contact with the Vulcans was a defining moment of the prime universe, but this episode's cold open showed that when the Vulcans landed in the mirror universe, they were greeted by gunfire rather than a handshake. The Humans forced their way aboard the Vulcan ship, killed all its crew, and stole the ship, using it to kickstart their imperial invasion of the galaxy.

This one scene gives us lots of context for the history of the mirror universe, and shows us how much more violent first contact scenarios can go. The rest of this episode, like other mirror universe episodes, showcased life in a darker version of the Trek future, but the opening was particularly shocking, and set the scene for what was to come.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.