10 Darkest Star Trek: Enterprise Moments

8. The Death Of The Augments

Xindi attack Florida Enterprise Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

By the 22nd century, genetic engineering was already banned on Earth due to the disastrous Eugenics Wars a century prior. The three-part Augment storyline in season four introduced us to a group of Augmented Humans who were created and raised by an ancestor of Data's, Dr. Arik Soong, using genetically engineered embryos he stole from Cold Station 12.

The Augments originally planned to steal more embryos from Cold Station 12, but when they were stopped by the Enterprise their leader, Malik, chose to fire a bioweapon on a Klingon colony. He hoped to blame Starfleet for the attack and cause a devastating war that would distract Earth enough for the Augments to escape. This plan went too far for Dr. Soong, who escaped with the help of the Augment Persis, and betrayed his adopted children, informing Captain Archer of their plan to use the bioweapon.

After their plan was foiled, things became even darker, as Malik decided to destroy their ship rather than be captured. Everyone onboard died, aside from Malik himself, who escaped aboard the Enterprise to kill Soong, only to die shortly after.

Arik Soong learned a lesson about the danger of enhancing Human ambition and power, and was sent back to prison where he started his new career in cybernetics.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.