10 Darkest Star Trek: Enterprise Moments

6. Attacking An Innocent Ship

Xindi attack Florida Enterprise Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

In the episode Damage, the Enterprise crew briefly became space pirates out of desperation.

The ship sustained heavy damage in a battle with the Xindi Reptilians, who could have destroyed the ship if they were not called off by the council. The Enterprise was left without a functional warp core, awaiting a final strike from the Xindi.

While working on repairs, the crew detected a distress call from an Illyrian ship that was damaged by some spatial anomalies. Archer tried to convince them to part with a warp coil, which could be used to repair the Enterprise's warp drive, but they were unwilling to hand the part over. Doing so would mean stranding themselves in deep space, years away from home. The two ships separated, but when it became clear that they needed to meet with Degra in three days, Archer was driven to do the unthinkable to get their warp drive back online.

Archer and T'Pol had a heated argument over what they were about to do. Archer believed that the only way to meet Degra and save humanity was by stealing the Illyrians' warp coil, but T'Pol repeated the captains words that they must keep what makes them Human, and when Archer decided to go through with the attack, T'Pol screamed that she wouldn't let him continue.

The next scene was truly jarring. Watching the crew go against their principals and stealing from innocent people shows us how much the attack on Earth changed everyone on the ship. Things that would've been unthinkable a year ago were now seen as justifiable. They left the Illyrians with supplies and Archer told their captain that they 'had no choice', but this probably didn't make things any easier for that crew, who were now stranded alone in deep space, damaged and vulnerable.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.