10 Darkest Star Trek: Enterprise Moments

5. The Beauty And The Beast In Space

Xindi attack Florida Enterprise Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

The episode Exile was a hardly subtle play on the story of The Beauty And The Beast, though much creepier.

Exile featured a lonely alien with powerful telepathic abilities, who convinced Hoshi Sato to stay with him in his home in exchange for information related to the Xindi.

The alien, Tarquin, was exiled by his people for being a telepath. He had an undeniably creepy appearance, but could take any form he desired. He also was able to scan Sato's entire memory, constantly bringing up personal details of her life against her wishes. In the end, the obvious happened, and Tarquin threatened to keep Sato on the planet with him against her will, disabling the Enterprise to prevent them from rescuing her. Fortunately Sato was able to escape by threatening to destroy the devices that were enhancing his telepathy.

This character was clearly messed up, but what makes it worse is that it seems like the writers weren't aware of how creepy Tarquin was, and seemed to play him off as a somewhat empathetic character, rather than the villain he was in the episode.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.