10 Darkest Star Trek: Enterprise Moments

3. T'Pol And Trip's Baby

Xindi attack Florida Enterprise Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures / Paramount Pictures

In the episode Demons, we learned that Terra Prime, an anti-alien hate movement of Humans, cloned a Vulcan/Human hybrid using T'Pol and Trips DNA to demonstrate the dangers of humanity mixing with aliens.

The surprised parents decided to name the baby Elizabeth when they met her, named after Trip's sister who tragically died in the Xindi attack on Earth. While T'Pol was being held by Paxton, she discovered that the child was suffering from a high white cell count and fever that would prove fatal if untreated. Paxton claimed that Elizabeth was dying simply because her two halves were at war with each other. He believed that there was no way that Humans and aliens could produce healthy offspring, but we later learned that her death was actually caused by the cloning technique used to make her, not by her mixed heritage. One day, Humans and Vulcans could have healthy children together.

Elizabeth was the first known child to be born from Human and alien parents, and her death was intended by Terra Prime to show how incompatible Humans and aliens are, but the delegates from the Coalition Of Planets conference actually viewed her as a symbol of cooperation, and attended her funeral after Terra Prime's plan to rid Earth of aliens was foiled. Still, her death is an undeniably dark and shocking moment, one that could've gone very different. In fact, while the episode was in production, the writer Manny Coto came up with the idea that Elizabeth would live if Enterprise was renewed for a fifth season, and die if the show was cancelled. Of course, we all know how that ended, which makes her death even more sombre for fans.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.