10 DC Animated Universe Fates Worse Than Death

3. Made Into A Vegetable - Justice League

Bane Batman Beyond
Warner Bros.

One of the most heinous villains in the original Justice League cartoon was John Dee - otherwise known as Doctor Destiny, a villain with the ability to control people's dreams and even kill them in said dreams like Freddy Krueger.

This pathetic little weasel gets unimaginable psychic powers and the first thing he does is slowly torture his wife to death in her sleep. So, in that respect, what happens to him is 100% justified, but that doesn't make it any less "yikes".

When Batman comes at him, being the last man standing due to his affinity for staying up for multiple nights, Doctor Destiny tries harder and harder to get Bruce to fall asleep, even gaining access to his perception even when awake as they get closer to each other. But Batman, through a meditative trance, manages to block Destiny out, leaving the villain to try and drive a syringe full of a very powerful sedative into the Dark Knight as a last resort.

But of course, this is Batman, so he knocks Dee aside, causing him to inject himself accidentally with said sedative. This puts Dee in a permanent vegetative state, lying in a hospital only ever able to hum the little ditty that batman hummed to block him out. Making for quite a final image to this episode of a kid's cartoon.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?