10 Depressing Truths Bojack Horseman Will Teach You

2. Loss Is A Painful - But Completely Inevitable Part Of Life

Bojack Horseman

There is no physical way that you are going to avoid losing those that you care about, things that you enjoy or even those you dislike. Death and loss will always appear, whether it is the literal death of a family member or the ending of a relationship. There is no bulletproof vest that will stop you from being hurt by loss.

Bojack has this theme consistently throughout its run. In some way, Bojack is always losing something. His show, his sanity, his happiness, his family, his friends. The entire arc of the series seems to revolve around the star gaining something and losing something else.

It is an incredibly depressing thought to have to address, but shows how giving in to the sadness of the scenario is what allows it to consume you. If you are prepared to understand that you will lose something or someone and grieve properly, then you will be able to move on from it. The fact that Bojack seems to fail to address his sense of grief is part of what leads to all of his awful behaviour.

You will lose the things you care about. It is inevitable, no matter how hard you try to ignore it.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!