10 Disgusting Times South Park Went Too Far

9. Mr. Mackey Gets It On

south park mr slave paris
Comedy Central

At first glance you might assume that the excessively skinny and giant headed Mr. Mackey isn't that much of a ladies' man. You'd be right too.

Turns out he's a virgin who, despite not knowing the first thing about sex, is required to teach sex ed to the male students. Ms. Choksondik, despite having a very negative opinion of sex, is required to teach the girls.

Naturally, in an episode all about sex, there's a lot of shocking material: Mr. Garrison teaching how to apply a condom for the benefit of the kindergarten students; what Cartman thinks condoms are actually for (to pee in); the violent Mad Max parody. There's a long list.

However, there is one moment that stands out as definitely being the most difficult to watch. That's Mackey finally losing his virginity to Ms. Choksondik. What follows is exactly what you'd expect, turning the occasion into a parody of the usual hot and heavy sensual scenes you get on TV.

Neither party is particularly easy on the eyes, and both are very vocal about what they're doing to the other.

It lasts for far too long as well.

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