10 Disturbing TV Show Storylines That Surprised Everyone

6. Terry Is Racially Profiled - Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Sopranos AJ

Establishing itself early on as a show fond of pumping as many running gags and slapstick shenanigans into its episodes' runtimes as humanly possible, the few times Brooklyn Nine-Nine has suddenly opted to tackle much more sensitive subjects have definitely acted a breaths of fresh air amidst the often barmy investigations and storylines.

But perhaps the most shocking and devastating detour seen throughout the show's run to date came during Season 4's "Moo Moo" episode as Terry Jeffords finds himself being made the victim of racial profiling as he bumps into a fellow officer in his neighbourhood at night.

If this awful occurrence isn't enough, Terry's eventual decision to file a complaint against the officer who he feels targeted him because of the colour of his skin comes with yet more frustrating consequences as Captain Holt explains how said decision could have a negative impact on his colleague's career.

And the final blow of Terry's application for the role of city council liaison being rejected upon his complaint eventually being filed would ultimately round off a surprising storyline that refused to shy away from the depressing reality many minorities are still forced to deal with on a daily basis.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...