10 Disturbing TV Show Storylines That Surprised Everyone

5. Wanda Enslaves An Entire Town - WandaVision

Sopranos AJ
Marvel Studios

Kevin Feige opted to head down a largely different route with the unveiling of the fourth Phase of MCU goodness by setting the ball rolling on the small screen.

And doubling down on the unanticipated over the course of Marvel Studios' first Disney+ offering in WandaVision, instead of framing one of the show's leading lights in the sort of heroic light she had been for much of her time in the super-sun up to this point, Wanda Maximoff's grief is shown to have influenced a particularly distressing decision that sat as the chilling catalyst for the sitcom-heavy show.

In trying to keep the idea of her relationship and potential family with her fallen love Vision alive post-Thanos Mind Stone yanking, Wanda winds up enslaving the entire town of Westview in the midst of altering the locale's reality to suit her new made-up life.

With said civilians being very much conscious throughout and being powerless to escape the artificial reality Wanda is painfully forcing them to experience, not even The Scarlet Witch's eventual decision to free them late in the day could erase the fact that she was unexpectedly at the centre of one of the MCU's most alarming storyline developments yet.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...