10 Doctor Who Actors Who Nearly Died While Filming

9. Mark Strickson (Enlightenment)

Ace Doctor Who Battlefield
BBC Studios

Introduced in the fabled Black Guardian trilogy of Fifth Doctor stories, Vislor Turlough was played by actor Mark Strickson, who did a wonderful job of bringing the cowardly yet loyal character to life.

Unfortunately, this dedication almost came at a serious cost during the filming of one serial.

Enlightenment (the final chunk of the Black Guardian saga), takes place largely on an Edwardian-style space boat competing in a galaxy-wide race. And what's a Doctor Who story set on a boat without somebody going overboard?

Strickson was one of the unlucky ones, which was fine - up until the moment the wire holding him up snapped. This left the actor with some bad injuries, unable to walk comfortably for several weeks.

Granted, this does stretch "nearly died" slightly, but in the grand scheme of things, he got off lightly. Just imagine how much worse a situation like this could've ended up.

That'll teach you for trying to sell the Doctor out to an evil man with a crow on his head!

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.