10 Doctor Who Actors Who Nearly Died While Filming

8. Terry Walsh (Terror Of The Autons)

Ace Doctor Who Battlefield
BBC Studios

1971 serial Terror of the Autons famously brought back the plastic menaces, and also introduced the world to a certain renegade Time Lord called the Master.

It also very nearly caused a stuntman to lose his life, as yet another automobile-related stunt went horribly wrong. This time though, Pertwee was nowhere near the car that gave Terry Walsh the fright of his life.

The scene called for Walsh, who was playing an Auton, to get knocked down a hill by a speeding car. In real life, the vehicle was supposed to just miss Walsh, but instead,

the car clipped him, sending him hurtling over the hill with some serious force. Whilst this could have killed him, he was able to keep acting, rolling down the bank and popping straight back up as the script commanded.

Not to take anything away from Terry Walsh, but are we sure he isn't actually an Auton?

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.