10 Doctor Who Actors Who Nearly Died While Filming

5. Sophie Aldred (Battlefield)

Ace Doctor Who Battlefield
BBC Studios

Sophie Aldred was the Doctor's companion when the show went off the air back in 1989.

As Ace, she accompanied Sylvester McCoy's Seventh Doctor across several adventures, before Doctor Who was killed off for a good long while. The great irony being that, in the same year, the show very nearly killed Aldred off for good too.

While filming the serial Battlefield, Aldred was required to do a stunt where she was trapped in a glass tank. Ace had been trapped in the vessel while it was being flooded with water, and the Doctor needed to save her.

Again, ironically, McCoy really did need to rescue Aldred when the prop tank began to crack due to not being thick enough. The actor frantically called for someone to get his co-star out of there, as the studio was full of live electrical wires and equipment, which could have resulted in Aldred's death had she not been evacuated in time.

Aldred escaped with only minor cuts to her hands, but it must have been a terrifying experience for her. Maybe it was for the best that show did take a vacation, eh?

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.