10 Doctor Who Cameos You Definitely Missed

8. Nicholas Courtney (Silver Nemesis)

Doctor Who Voyage of the Damned Murray Gold cameo David Tennant
BBC Studios

Brian Miller isn't the only person connected with classic Who to enjoy a cheeky cameo.

When the TARDIS materialises at Windsor Castle in 25th anniversary shindig Silver Nemesis, pay attention to the group of tourists that walk through the shot. Some of these tourists are, as you would expect, plain old extras. But hidden away at the back are a number of Doctor Who contributors – including none other than the Brigadier himself, Nicholas Courtney.

Just like the other tourists, Courtney’s face is obscured, but he’s easily identified by his grey blazer and cream trousers. The disguise is completed by a beret, apparently chosen by Courtney himself, having being told he was playing a French tourist.

Also among the crowd were writers Graeme Curry and Kevin Clarke, and directors Andrew Morgan, Peter Moffatt, and Fiona Cumming.

If all had gone to plan, Silver Nemesis would've featured a much more prominent cameo in the form of Prince Edward. Ever-ambitious, producer John Nathan-Turner made an appeal to Buckingham Palace, hoping for the best – but his appeal was swiftly shot down.

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