10 Doctor Who Characters Who Appeared Outside The Show

3. The Tenth Doctor In Extras

Twelfth Doctor Newzoids
BBC Studios

Following the success of The Office – the UK version, not the US one – Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant’s next big project was Extras, a show about a jobbing actor who just can’t get that lucky break.

Main character Andy Millman (Gervais) gets work on a number of different shows, and runs into his fair share of famous faces along the way. In the Extras Christmas special (which also served as its finale), he lands the role of a lifetime – a giant slug called Schlong in an episode of Doctor Who.

After angrily telling his agent he’ll never play an alien on Doctor Who, that’s exactly what ends up happening. Though this particular episode may be fictional, one thing that is real is David Tennant, who appears in character as the Tenth Doctor.

The Time Lord is able to defeat his slimy opponent by throwing a handful of salt over him, which Andy sells with all the enthusiasm of a guy reflecting on what life choices led him to this moment.

Gervais has never appeared in Doctor Who in the real world. Maybe this experience scarred him for life.

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Doctor Who
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.