10 Doctor Who Characters You Didn't Realise Probably Died Horrible Deaths

5. The Last Humans

Doctor Who The Power of the Doctor David Tennant Fourteenth Doctor
BBC Studios

Of all the horrible fates suffered by characters in Doctor Who, the Toclafane is up there with the worst of the worst.

These floating metal murder-balls contain the remains of the last humans, who travelled to a so-called "Utopia" in the hope of salvation from the natural end of the universe. Instead, they were reduced to clinically-insane disembodied heads trapped inside miniature death machines.

But while this is pretty horrific in its own right, they’re not technically dead. Some might argue that they’ve suffered a fate worse than death, but that’s besides the point – Creet and the rest of the humans are technically still alive in their Toclafane forms.

Doctor Who Toclafane
BBC Studios

Their actual final end is less graphic, but no less terrifying. When the Paradox Machine is destroyed in Last of the Time Lords, time reverts back to the moment just before the Toclafane arrived on 21st century Earth, sending all of them back to the barren planet "Utopia", at the end of the universe.

All of this means that the canonical end of humanity in Doctor Who is for us to be stuffed inside flying metal balls and forced to slowly experience the heat death of the universe. And not only that, but we get to have the briefest moment of hope before being sent hurtling back to the end of time.

What's that Doctor? "Everybody lives"? Yeah, not quite.

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Doctor Who
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Alix Cochrane hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would probably end up sitting in a notes file for months, gathering dust and never actually being uploaded.