10 Doctor Who Deleted Scenes That Would Have Changed Everything

6. The Voice Of Reason (The Bells Of Saint John)

Doctor Who The Satan Pit the Beast the Master
BBC Studios

The Bells of Saint John is the episode where the Doctor finally meets the proper version of Clara Oswald, after running into two different incarnations of her.

Jenna Coleman earning the triple paycheque there - what a boss.

In the episode, the Eleventh Doctor meets Clara in modern day London after she is given the TARDIS' phone number by a mysterious woman. That woman would turn out to be Missy, the latest incarnation of the Master who first appeared in the next series.

However, a deleted moment almost gave her a bigger part to play in this episode, in which she is merely referred to as "the woman in the shop."

Towards the end of the story, the Doctor would've received another phone call. Rather than trying to sell him insurance, the voice on the other end would've instructed him to trust this new version of Clara, and to take her with him.

An alternate version of this scene would've had the voice telling the Doctor, “Run you clever boy. And save her,” echoing one of Clara's most iconic phrases.

While Missy presumably wouldn't have been revealed here, incorporating her in such a direct way would've made a great tease for what was to come. Admittedly, this would've been totally unnecessary, which is likely why it was cut.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.