10 Doctor Who Deleted Scenes That Would Have Changed Everything

5. Liquid Courage (Father’s Day)

Doctor Who The Satan Pit the Beast the Master
BBC Studios

In Father's Day, Rose Tyler asks the Ninth Doctor to take her back to the day of her father's death, so she can be with him when he dies.

Instead, she ends up saving him, creating a paradox with disastrous consequences.

Later on, Rose's dad, Pete, does the right thing and jumps in front of the car that was meant to kill him in the first place - but flinging yourself in front of a moving vehicle isn't an easy task. As such, Pete very nearly had some extra help, as he was, at one point, going to be shown taking a swig of wine.

However, a lot of kids watch Doctor Who, and drawing a link between consuming alcohol and bravery was not a message the BBC wanted to send its young audience. This moment would've also changed how we viewed Pete's sacrifice, one of the strongest emotional beats of the series.

Consequently, the wine scene was cut, though if you look closely, Pete can actually be seen taking a swig of drink right before his final conversation with Rose, so fragments of this scene did survive.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.