10 Doctor Who Details You Definitely Missed The First Time

7. International Electromatics (Rise Of The Cybermen)

Doctor Who Victory of the Daleks
BBC Studios

In 1966, the Doctor Who fanbase was introduced to one of the show's greatest villains: the Cybermen.

Originally from the planet Mondas, the Cybermen have undergone several radical changes throughout the show's history, but this neat little detail from their first NuWho appearance helps tie things together.

When the Doctor and his companions end up in a parallel version of Earth, they discover that the Cybermen are now the product of mad scientist John Lumic's attempt to "upgrade" humanity.

The pseudonym for the company that Lumic sets up to achieve his evil goal is International Electromatics. Long-time Whovians will recognise this as the name used by a similar organisation way back in the Second Doctor serial The Invasion.

Led by Tobias Vaughn, the 1960s version of International Electromatics teams up with the Cybermen to provide more bodies for conversion.

Was this a blinding piece of continuity? Or proof that Doctor Who's writers are just as nerdy and obsessive as its fans? Probably the latter.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.