10 Doctor Who Endings Nobody Saw Coming

5. The Almost People

Doctor Who Amy Pond The Almost People
BBC Studios

The actual plotline of Series 6's The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People is so inconsequential that we're not even going to bother recapping it.

All you need to know is that, after defeating a group of rogue human duplicates working in an acid factory, the Doctor reveals that Amy Pond is actually a duplicate herself.

The episode then cuts to the real Amy, who is trapped in a pristine white room. Oh, and she's also pregnant.

She is confronted by a lady with an eye patch (who is given the imaginative name of "Eye Patch Lady" in the credits - seriously, go and check), who tells her that she is about to give birth. The episode then goes off the air with Amy screaming through the pains of labour.

At the same time, across the country, millions of people watching Doctor Who all came down with a series case of plot whiplash.

This ending threw a huge curveball at the audience, who were expecting just the conclusion to the two-part storyline. Instead, the episode completely bulldozed through that plot, and set in motion a chain of events that would affect the entire rest of the series.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.