10 Doctor Who Episodes That Should Have Been Two-Parters

8. The Ghost Monument

Doctor Who Nightmare In Silver
BBC Studios

After a promising start with The Woman who Fell to Earth, Jodie Whittaker's second episode as the Doctor unfortunately fell rather flat. It's a frustrating case of an episode that sounds brilliant on paper, but is completely flawed in its execution. There's tons of great ideas here: a hostile planet full of varied threats! An intergalactic space race! A quest to find the TARDIS! But sadly, none of those concepts are properly capitalised on, and there are a number of other ideas that are introduced but go absolutely knowhere, such as the deadly microbes in the planet's ocean. The Ghost Monument also features some of the most useless villains in Doctor Who history: the SniperBots (robot marksmen with worse aim than Stormtroopers) and the Remnants (dirty old rags that can talk) which make this episode feel even more underwhelming.

But with some fixes, it could make for a cracking two-parter. If there was more focus on the space race, with more participants than just Angstrom and Epzo, you could have the Doctor and her companions caught up in the chaos of the race while desperately avoiding the planet's array of threats. Finding out that the end goal of the race is the TARDIS would make for a cracking cliffhanger, and would really amp up the tension. The Ghost Monument has all the ingredients for a rip-roaring adventure, but sadly they used the wrong recipe: they should've cooked up a two-parter instead.

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Patch is a pop culture enthusiast and purveyor of puns. He writes about media in a vague attempt to justify the alarming amount of time he spends consuming it. Nobody's convinced... but nobody's told him that yet. He spends his spare time working on Portal 2: Desolation, an ambitious fan-made sequel to Valve's beloved puzzle games.