10 Doctor Who Episodes That Were Almost Completely Different

1. The Day Of The Doctor

Doctor Who Twice Upon A Time
BBC Studios

It's quite hard to imagine how this one would've turned out, but bizarrely, we almost got a version of The Day Of The Doctor... without the Doctor.

The finished episode features the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors embarking on an adventure together, but according to the Moff, there was a point in time where neither Matt Smith nor David Tennant were under contract to appear in it.

As a result, he was forced to come up with a Doctor-less storyline, utilising the one actor who was under contract - Clara herself, Jenna Coleman.

This alternate version of the episode followed on directly from the end of The Name Of The Doctor, where the Eleventh Doctor steps inside his own timestream on Trenzalore. This removes him from all of space and time, but Clara is still trying to remember him, and so, she starts to see versions of the Doctor - played by "a succession of very famous people" - pop up in various different adventures, some of which may (or may not) have happened for real.

It does sound interesting, but you can't have the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who without any of the proper Doctors, but fortunately, Smith and Tennant eventually signed on the dotted line, saving the episode at the last minute.

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