10 Doctor Who Episodes That Were Almost Completely Different

6. The Impossible Planet

Doctor Who Twice Upon A Time
BBC Studios

Despite them looking absolutely disgusting, the Ood are among the most beloved creatures in the Doctor Who universe - especially when talking about the modern era - so it's highly distressing to learn that they almost never appeared.

The Ood first appeared in two-part story The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit as a slave race serving their human bosses, but as the story progresses and the Beast starts to possess them, they soon turn into murderous rebels.

Originally though, writer Matt Jones wasn't intending to fill this role with the Ood. In fact, early on, it was going to be (buckle up) Raxacoricofallapatorians instead.

Doctor Who fans will of course recognise that name, as it refers to the species of aliens that the Slitheen family belongs to. Apparently, these Raxacoricofallapatorians would've been enslaved just like the Ood, leading them to awaken the Beast as a means to set them free.

While the story would've probably worked just fine in this state, there's something a bit more comical about the Slitheen when compared to the sinister vibe of the Ood, so it's likely that both episodes would've lost that extra bit of darkness and edge.

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