10 Doctor Who Episodes That Were Banned Or Censored

6. The TV Movie

Doctor Who Dalek Mission to the Unknown banned
BBC Studios

Perhaps because American censors are a bit more forgiving when it comes to horror and violence on primetime TV, the 1996 TV Movie found itself staring down the barrel of a 15 certificate in the UK.

To compensate, the BBFC suggested various cuts that would bring the certificate down to a more family-friendly 12 rating.

For example, the censors felt that the chaotic operating theatre scene was way too much. As a result, a section involving the probe becoming stuck in the Doctor’s body was cut, as was Sylvester McCoy’s final scream before dying on the operating table.

The most contentious material involved the gun violence that ultimately claimed the Seventh Doctor’s life. Shots of Chang Lee’s friends being gunned down were cut, as were scenes of the gangsters threatening Lee prior to the TARDIS materialising. These decisions surrounding the gun violence were largely made due to the horrific school shooting in Dunblane, Scotland, a few months prior to transmission.

Chang Lee’s brutal death was also cut, with the shot of the Master snapping his neck removed. Much of this material has since been restored however, and the story is viewable in its full, unedited form.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.