10 Doctor Who Episodes You Didn’t Know Were Connected

1. Daleks In Manhattan & The End Of Time

Doctor Who Dalek Sec Captain Jack Harkness
BBC Studios

Daleks in Manhattan features the Daleks... in Manhattan. Good one.

A period piece set during the Great Depression in 1930s New York City, the episode does a fantastic job of recreating that time period. It doesn't feel like a cheap set - it feels like a living, breathing place.

A bouncy musical number partway through the episode helps with that immersion, as singing/dancing all-star Tallulah attempts to get over the fact that her boyfriend has been turned into a pig by doing what she does best - putting on a show.

You would assume that the song here (My Angel Put the Devil in Me, which composer Murray Gold undoubtedly had immense fun putting together), would only be used in this episode. But it actually pops up later in the Tennant run, and in the most unexpected of places too.

Flash-forward to the closing moments of The End of Time: Part Two, and the song can be heard again, playing at the bar where the Doctor bids farewell to Captain Jack Harkness.

Mind you, this version is a cover, not the original Tallulah version. But if only she knew how far into the future her music would last...

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.