10 Doctor Who Episodes You Didn’t Know Were Connected

5. The Mysterious Planet & The Name Of The Doctor

Doctor Who Dalek Sec Captain Jack Harkness
BBC Studios

Despite only appearing in a single season from 1986, Whovians still lose their collective minds any time the Valeyard comes up in conversation.

Said to be a mysterious future incarnation of the Doctor, the Valeyard serves as the prosecution during the Sixth Doctor's trial on Gallifrey. He almost gets him sentenced to death, before the Doctor seemingly puts him down.

Or does he? Because, at the end of the episode, the Valeyard is shown to have survived.

But just because we haven't seen ol' Vally since the '80s, that doesn't mean we've seen the last of him - Richard E. Grant basically confirmed as much.

In the episode The Name of the Doctor, Grant's The Great Intelligence runs down a list of other monikers the Doctor will be known by in the future - and one of them is the Valeyard.

It's a quick mention that's easy to miss, but it implies that the Doctor's alter-ego will return in the future, and will do something to gain himself notoriety.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.