10 Doctor Who Episodes You Didn’t Know Were Connected

3. Image Of The Fendahl & Army Of Ghosts

Doctor Who Dalek Sec Captain Jack Harkness
BBC Studios

Who'd have thought that a throwaway line in a 1977 serial would suddenly become relevant almost 30 years later?

In the first episode of the Fourth Doctor story Image of the Fendahl, Dr. Fendelman instructs his colleague to "tell Hartman I want a security team here within two hours", after a corpse is discovered in the woods.

Again, totally throwaway. We never actually meet Hartman, and he's never mentioned again. So why is this significant?

Well, jumping once again to Army of Ghosts, and this is the episode that introduces us to Torchwood boss Yvonne Hartman. Might she be a relative - perhaps the daughter - of the faceless Hartman mentioned in Image of the Fendahl?

While the connection here is tenuous (Hartman is a fairly common surname, after all), many fans believe that these two are indeed related, with Yvonne's father being identified as John Hartman in the Big Finish audio drama The Rockery.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.