10 Doctor Who Fan Theories Better Than What We Got
9. Clara Is Jenny

Jenna Coleman turned up as two other people before appearing in her best-known guise of Clara Oswald in Series 7. This led to rampant speculation that she was more than just an ordinary schoolteacher.
While the truth was revealed in The Name of the Doctor, there were tons of amazing theories floating around prior to this point, including that Clara was another Time Lord, a personification of the universe, or even the TARDIS itself.
But the one we like the most is the one involving the Doctor's daughter.
Jenny was created by a cloning machine in Series 4, as the genetic replication of the Doctor. After earning her "father's" trust, she is shot and presumed dead. She then sort-of regenerated, coming back to life and stealing a spaceship just like her dear old dad did. And then... she was never seen again.
Having her change her face after regeneration and track down her father under the name Clara would've been a terrific way to reintroduce Jenny, but Clara ended up being someone who jumped in the Doctor's timestream instead.