10 Doctor Who Fan Theories Better Than What We Got

5. The Master Is The Timeless Child

Doctor Who Time Lords Weeping Angels fan theory
BBC Studios

The reveal that the Doctor is the Timeless Child caused a fair few complications with Doctor Who lore. It was also a baffling decision to completely change a backstory that worked fine and that everybody liked, but hey ho, it's done now.

One way to actually improve the twist is a theory that has been suggested ever since The Timeless Children aired in early 2020: that the Master is the Timeless Child, not the Doctor.

It would be perfectly in-character for the Master to have lied to the Doctor about something as monumental as this. The Master, after all, is a dick. It would also explain why the character keeps coming back time and time again, despite facing certain death almost every time they appear.

It would also give a compelling reason for why the Master reverted to his bad ol' self after Missy's redemption arc. The Master, an egotistical nutcase, discovering that he's actually a god-like being from a different universe? Of course he'd want to lord his superiority over the Doctor, while also feeling angry and betrayed that the Time Lords kept this secret from him.

The Timeless Child concept has problems no matter which character you go with, but the Master version is a lot better if you ask us!

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.