10 Doctor Who Fan Theories Better Than What We Got

2. The Peter Cushing Doctor Is A Torchwood Agent

Doctor Who Time Lords Weeping Angels fan theory
Regal Films International

Though the two Peter Cushing Dr. Who movies from the 1960s aren't canon with the show, that hasn't stopped fans from trying to work them into Doctor Who lore with some impressively creative theories.

One of the best of these is the idea that the Cushing Doctor is actually a Torchwood agent, who, like Jackson Lake in The Next Doctor, suffered some sort of memory problem that made him believe he was the Doctor, even scavenging together some alien tech to build his own TARDIS.

It's also been suggested that the Cushing Doctor is an older version of the Metacrisis Doctor, who loses his mind with grief after Rose is killed while out on a mission. He loses his memories but retains his scientific know-how, adopting this new identity to cope with the pain.

Yeah... they're pretty dark theories, but watching the Cushing movies with something like this in mind gives them so much more weight. If nothing else, it would be cool to see them folded into Doctor Who canon somehow.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.