10 Doctor Who Fan Theories That Will Blow Your Mind
1. The Weeping Angels Are Time Lords
One of the best baddies in Doctor Who history, the Weeping Angels are a terrifying statue-like race whose origins remain a mystery. And where there's a mystery, there's a fan theory: in this case, it's that the Angels are actually Time Lords.
The Doctor mentions that the Angels are as old as the universe, and that nobody knows where they came from. This means that if the Angels are Time Lords, then either the Doctor is lying and he knows all about it, his information is wrong, or the Lords-into-Angels transformation hasn't happened yet. This could be a case where, billions of years into the future, something happens that turns the Time Lords into Angels, and scatters them throughout time.
There are several interesting parallels that hint at a connection between the two races. The Angels don't usually kill their victims; they send them back in time, feeding off all the future years that person would have lived. Their whole gimmick is time, and this, obviously, nicely links them up with the "Time" Lords. In fact, the Angels literally are lords of time, given their ability to manipulate it for a delicious, satisfying snack.
Even the titles "Lord" and "Angel" sound quite heavenly and mythical, almost like the two species are tied together. Plus, in The End Of Time: Part 2, a pair of Time Lords can be seen striking that iconic Weeping Angel pose, stood still as a statue with their hands covering their faces.
That's hardly a confirmation, but it's an odd inclusion in an episode that has precisely nothing to do with the Angels themselves.
It would somewhat ruin the intrigue of the Angels to know where they came from - the mystery that surrounds them is one of their most frightening traits. And of course, as with any theory, there are holes in this idea (so is the Statue Of Liberty Angel a giant Time Lord...?). But isn't it likely that the crew who brought us the Angels has some idea about their origins, and decided to pepper clues throughout certain episodes, like a breadcrumb trail?
Maybe these are the wrong breadcrumbs to feed on, but the idea of Weeping Angels actually being dead or evolved Time Lords is a fascinating one.
Know any other cool Doctor Who fan theories? Share them in the comments below!