10 Doctor Who Fan Theories That Will Blow Your Mind
4. River Song Blew Up The TARDIS
In the 2010 episode Cold Blood, we learn that the TARDIS will one day explode, causing the cracks in time that are dotted throughout the series. A few episodes later, we see this happen: at the end of The Pandorica Opens, the Doctor is imprisoned and the TARDIS goes boom, slowly extinguishing the universe piece by piece.
At the time, we weren't told who or what caused the TARDIS to explode. In Matt Smith's final episode, we finally learned that the long-suspected Silence (a religious order, which the aforementioned Silent creatures are a part of) was responsible, but specific details were never disclosed. This means that the ins-and-outs of the Silence's plan are up for interpretation, and pulling on that thread, there's a strong possibility that River Song was actually the one who caused the TARDIS explosion.
River was raised by the Silence to kill the Doctor: they brainwashed her with this goal in mind. So what if some of that brainwashing was still having a subliminal effect on her, and when she thought she was trying to fly the TARDIS away to safety (which is what she's trying to do, while the Doctor is off on a mission of his own), she was actually causing it to explode?
The Silence's ultimate goal was to stop the Doctor reaching Trenzalore, and destroying his time machine - whether he was inside it or not - would certainly hinder his progress.