10 Doctor Who Futures That Are Now In The Past

7. The Chase - 1996

Doctor Who Eleventh Doctor The Hungry Earth 2020
BBC Studios

30 years after the Daleks landed on top of the Empire State Building, they rocked up at the Frankenstein's House of Horrors attraction at the 1996 Festival of Ghana.

Haunted house attractions were much more technologically advanced in Doctor Who's version of 1996. The robotic Dracula and Frankenstein were so convincing that the First Doctor believed the TARDIS and the Daleks had somehow managed to materialize inside the dark recesses of the human mind.

Perhaps the convincing nature of the horrifying monsters was why the attraction and the festival was apparently “CANCELLED BY PEKING”. Though quite what the People's Republic of China would have to do with a festival in a West African nation is anyone's guess.

In that same year and a thousand miles away, the Eleventh Doctor crash-landed in the garden of Amelia Pond at the start of the 2010 episode The Eleventh Hour. Where 1996 was 30 years in the future for William Hartnell, it was already 14 years in the past for Matt Smith and Karen Gillan.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.