10 Doctor Who Futures That Are Now In The Past

6. Battlefield - 1997

Doctor Who Eleventh Doctor The Hungry Earth 2020

Set eight years after broadcast, Battlefield is a more accurate depiction of 1997 than The Underwater Menace's wild depiction of three years into the future.

There are still good old-fashioned English country pubs, even if the price of a pint has gone up considerably. The Gore Crow hotel has its own microbrewery, a good decade before every Johnny-come-lately craft beer pub.

Geopolitically, Battlefield reveals that things are still tense around the world, as the battle between Morgaine and King Arthur becomes a metaphor for the futility of nuclear war. While nuclear holocaust wasn't as pressing an issue as it was during the Cold War, concerns about dangerous materials being ferried about places like Battlefield's fictional village were still on people's minds in 1997.

So, the only glaring difference from the real 1997 – £5 for a water and a lemonade aside – is the fact that a group of Arthurian knights caused merry hell in an English village, nearly triggering a nuclear apocalypse. Par for the course when it comes to Doctor Who, really.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.